Thursday, July 28, 2011

Loss Optimism: Selected Works by Peter Suprean. Opens September 3, 2011 at Cueto James Gallery.

Peter Suprean's latest work, the series entitled Loss Optimism, is a mixed medium installation that displays relics and artifacts from a culture and time that has not yet existed. The show will include life-sized human replicas, tools, weapons, art and religious artifacts from this conceived culture's daily life. The pieces in Loss Optimism are both darkly futuristic while also giving one the impression that they have come from an ancient time long passed, which gives this exhibit its striking nature. Suprean has essentially constructed a mythical world, and the pieces he has created act as a springboard for the viewer's imagination, capable of transporting them to another reality fashioned by both the viewer and artist.

This exhibition will be held at Cueto James Gallery in Houston and opens on September 3, 2011. 

Click HERE to RSVP via Facebook Event for Loss Optimism.

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